The basic guide to tree felling

The professional and safest practices resorted for causing a tree to fall known as tree felling. An arborist mostly conducts the process of the tree falling. An arborist is a professional having detailed knowledge about trees, shrubs, bushes and more. They are experienced and understand the actual need of a tree. An arborist studies various factors before felling a tree. Trees are a prominent part of our life and need to be provided proper attention if we want to leave behind a healthy atmosphere for the future generation.

tree removal

Tree felling can be a dangerous task if not carried out in a planned manner. Taking the help of an expert is suggested if you want the entire process of tree felling to go smoothly. The right techniques, tools and understanding about trees are necessary for felling a tree. Suppose the proper measures are not taken before commencing the procedure. In that case, things can become miserable and might end up damaging the area and property around the tree. There are a few basic guidelines that should be kept in mind while felling a tree. 

The essential guide to tree felling consists of some steps which are as follows:

  Right Planning- Tree removal can be a difficult task if you are not an arborist. However, if you make some efforts to plan the right way of tree felling, you can effectively achieve the goal. Knowledge of the equipment to be used, the direction of the tree, post-felling work, protective measures to safeguard the place and more is the most likeable thing to start.

Clear Tree Branches- The hanging branches can cause injuries. Always cut-down thick branches followed by thinner ones that are hanging far out from the tree to avoid any damage to the things around the tree.

Check for Felling Direction- With the help of right instruments check for the possible direction in which the tree might fall. It will help you take protective measures by removing the things and covering up the property where the tree is likely to fall. For instance, try clearing about 45 degrees around all the directions of the tree to be at a safe side.

Pruning Tree Trunk- After estimating, vacate the area around the felling direction of the tree. Pruning out thin pieces from the tree trunk is the best option before working on the complete tree removal. Pruning some part from the tree trunk will make the tree felling even smoother.

Choosing Cutting Technique- Being branches cleared away and trunk sliced up a bit. Now, comes choosing the right cutting technique to make the tree fell as per the planned procedure. There are many techniques to cut a tree. However, selecting the most suited one depends on the size, height and slope of the standing tree. The quality of chainsaw and other tools used while cutting tree also plays a vital role in deciding the technique ideal for bringing the tree down. 

Therefore, if you have a tree within or around your property, making you bother about it, tree removal can reduce the burden from your shoulders. Hiring an arborist for whom tree removal is a daily to-do job would be beneficial for you in every aspect. However, if you want to take down a tree on your own, considering the guidelines mentioned above to get a basic understanding of the job would give you an upper edge.


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