How to do the tree removal job?

When doing the Tree removal, the proper working techniques matter. It will help you to make not only a safe working environment, and also to be more efficient when working.

·       Plan ahead

When it comes to tree removal by using a chainsaw, preparation is essential. If you plan the feeling and which forestry tools to bring, you are in for a safe work session, but the post-felling work can be more accessible. The main thing is to ask you if there are any significant obstacles in the area, like roads or buildings or overhead lines. Use warning signs if you know that a road crosses the forestry area or that several people pass by daily.

·        Prune the trunk

Once you have cleared the area, put up the warning signs and decided on the tree’s direction of fall and the path of retreat. You have to check that you must have enough fuel in the tank for the tree removal task ahead. Now is the time to prune the trunk to eliminate all twigs and branches that get in the way when seeing the felling cut. The most reliable way to prune is to work with a pulling chain (bottom of the guide bar) from the top down.

·        Check the feeling direction.

Continue with determining the felling direction by thoroughly studying the tree. How do they grow, and how do the branches look? Also, consider the wind direction. If you’re not sure of the tree’s natural direction of fall, step away from the tree and check with a plumb line. Clear the surrounding of the tree in the proposed felling direction. Also, clear about the 45 degrees behind the tree in both directions, creating the path of retreat.

·        Decide on cutting technique.

Once the trunk is twig-free up to arm height, it’s time to get the felling cut. When doing this job, it’s essential to remember two things: the hinge has a uniform thickness with the correct dimensions and inserts the felling wedge or breaking bar before the tree can pinch the guide bar. Which technique you should use for cutting depends on the tree size and slope and the size of the chainsaw. We have put together the information about the different methods here. You can find out for yourself which way best suits your conditions.

So these are some tips you have to take care of it when you are removing the tree. Rather than if you are looking for Tree pruningStump removal, or any other kind of tree services, we are here to assist you.


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